3 min readJun 16, 2021

Dating with HSV-2 — Find Your Happily-Ever-After

Herpes can’t stop us from falling in love

The HSV-2 strain of herpes can make dating and being intimate difficult. It can be a challenging obstacle to overcome when you want to connect with someone else. Nevertheless, no disease should prevent us from living life to the fullest.

In addition to the difficulties associated with searching for a romantic partner, being herpes positive adds extra challenges. Before beginning an intimate relationship, it is vitally important to inform the other person that you have HSV-2. I’m sure you can understand the fear and concern surrounding this. Any person who has been open about their STD status while dating has undoubtedly encountered rejection as a result.

Understand _How_ to Date with Herpes

Make sure you understand everything about herpes before telling someone about your diagnosis. What is the best way to tell someone about it, how does it affect their life, and what precautions should you take as a couple? The more straightforward you are with the facts, the more likely a potential partner is to understand your situation.

Let partners know early and privately to avoid any embarrassment. Try not to make the other person respond in any particular way. Their reactions should be respected. Understanding is built by answering all their questions as best as you can and providing fact-based resources. Don’t dismiss them out of hand. They may understand more than you think.

Follow your doctor’s directions. This includes taking your medications on a regular basis. Although it may seem obvious, it is crucial for you and your partner. The message is also clear: the situation is not great, but I am genuinely trying to solve it. I am trustworthy, and I am responsible.

People may be unwilling to date someone with herpes, no matter what you do. Yes, it’s common for adults to have HSV, but each person can still choose whether or not to have a partner with the virus. People should be allowed to make the best choice for themselves.

Meet People Facing the Same Obstacle

It’s important to never give up on romance even if you’ve tested positive for HSV-2. In fact, you’re far from alone. The chances of being rejected are less if you can find people who have faced similar challenges. Consider a dating site that specializes in matching up individuals with herpes or other STDs. The truth is that there are millions of people looking for a relationship out there. Never forget that you’re not alone, no matter what you’re facing.

Being diagnosed with an STD isn’t the end of a romantic life. Yes, it does obligate us to be honest and upfront with any potential partners. The fear of rejection can be exhausting, especially when that rejection stems from just telling the truth, but it’s important to remember that you are responsible only for yourself. Eventually, you’ll find someone who values and understands you. Who knows-perhaps you will be challenged to understand someone else’s unique hardships. No matter what, successful dating is possible. This certainly includes individuals with HSV-2.


Written by DatingWise

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